What is a good link?

A good link comes from a trustworthy and trustworthy website. Links mean a flow of trust from one website to another. If someone links to your website, they're basically giving you a vote of confidence: they're saying, “Hey, this is a good source of information. A good link profile will show a lot of linked pages.

Not only will it have links to one or two pages, but it will display links to the home page, the blog page, the About Us page, the contact page, and other subpages. The most important part of a link is the URL it contains. If the URL points to your website, then you've created a link. At first glance, you might not realize that the URL can affect the quality and trust that Google places in that link, but in fact it can have a pretty big effect.

GoodLinks is a unique application that works on all your iOS and MacOS devices, so you can access your items from anywhere. Quickly access a list or open a random unread link with GoodLinks widgets. In general, linking to high-authority resources is considered a good SEO practice. It's definitely a good idea to include links to recent studies and guides from other people in your niche.

Linkable assets are pieces of content intended to attract links. One common type of linkable asset is an infographic. It's a good strategy to present original research in graphic form to people in your niche.